Lesson 2. Guided Activity on Git/Github.com For Collaboration

Learning Objectives

At the end of this activity, you will be able to:

  • Explain the role of issues on Github.com
  • Use @ tagging to communicate with others about a project
  • Close issues on Github.com via pull request
  • Pull down others’ changes to the original repository (i.e. from which you forked)

What You Need

Be sure you have completed the lessons on Git/GitHub.com for Version Control.

You will need to fork and clone a Github repository for this activity to your earth-analytics-bootcamp directory:


Be sure to check your notifications on Github.com to ensure that you are receiving messages through Github.com.

Guided Activity on Collaboration

You have been tagged in an issue that needs to be addressed in the ea-bootcamp-hometowns repository. To see the details of the issue on Github.com, you can click on the view it on Github link in bottom of the the email you received.

On Github.com, issues are used to notify others of work that needs to be done or problems that need to be addressed, and issues can include tags to notify and communicate with specific Github users.

In the issue, you have been asked to create and contribute a Jupyter Notebook with some facts about your hometown (or some other city of your choosing) to the ea-bootcamp-hometowns repository. Additional details about what to include in your notebook are provided in the issue.

Use git add, git commit, and git push to send the file to your fork on Github.com.

When you are ready to submit a pull request to the original repository (i.e. https://github.com/earthlab-education/ea-bootcamp-hometowns), follow the instructions in the sections below to:

  1. notify the owner of the original respository that you have addressed the issue
  2. close the issue via pull request

Notify Others of Activity and Close Issues Via Pull Request

When your Jupyter Notebook file on your hometown (or chosen city) is ready, you will submit a pull request from your fork to the original repository. This time, you will include some more text in the message.

In your message for the pull request, include the following:

  • @jlpalomino in the message to notify me of your pull request.
  • include Fixes #issue-number in the message to close the issue.

The issue number has been automatically assigned by Github.com and is noted in the title of the issue that you were assigned (e.g. #1).

Here is an example pull request message that lets jlpalomino know that a pull request is ready that specifically addresses issue #1 listed in the original repository:

@jlpalomino I have added the notebook titled jp-houston-tx-usa.ipynb. This issue has now been addressed. Fixes #1

This message accomplishes the goal of notifying a specific Github user that you have addressed an issue. Furthermore, when the owner of the repository merges your pull request, the issue that you tagged with # will be automatically closed.

Note that the issue for which you have been tagged was created in the original repository by the owner of the repository (in this case, your course instructor).

This is because though you will complete work in your forked repository, recall that you will submit a pull request to the original repository. Thus, the issue will be tracked in the original repository until the work is complete.

Pull Down Others’ Changes

After the owner of the original repository receives pull requests, they can review them and decide to merge them. In order for you to get the updated changes, you must git pull down those changes from the original repository.

In the terminal, cd to your directory for your cloned repository ea-bootcamp-hometowns and run the following commands:

  • git pull https://github.com/earthlab-education/ea-bootcamp-hometowns: to pull down the changes that have been made to the original repository owned by earthlab-education. After this command, the changes have been made been pulled down to your local clone.

  • git push origin master: to send these pulled changes back to your fork on Github.com.

Your fork has now been updated with any changes merged to the original repository up to that point!

If more changes are merged later to the original repository, you can run git pull again.

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