Get Started with Open Reproducible Science

Welcome to Week 1!

Welcome to Week 1 of the Earth Analytics Bootcamp course! This week, you will learn about open reproducible science and get familiar with a suite of open source tools that are used in open reproducible science workflows including Shell, Git and, Python, and Jupyter Notebook. You will use Shell to access directories, Git and to copy files to your computer, and Jupyter Notebook to run Python code and render Markdown text.

Learning Objectives

After completing the lessons for this week, you will be able to:

  • Define open reproducible science and explain how the tools used in this course support and promote it
  • Navigate, create, and delete directories in Shell
  • Create a copy of (i.e. fork) other users’ files on
  • Use the Git clone command to download the copy of files to your computer
  • Run Python code and render Markdown text in Jupyter Notebook

Homework Assignment

The assignment for this week can be downloaded on Canvas. We will be adding it to a public repository in the near future for all to use!

Earth Data Science Textbook Readings

Please read the following chapters in the Earth Data Science online textbook:


Your homework this week can be found on Canvas as a zipfile.