Lesson 5. Calculate Summary Values Using Spatial Areas of Interest (AOIs) including Shapefiles for Climate Data Variables Stored in NetCDF 4 Format: Work With MACA v2 Climate Data in Python

Chapter 13 - NETCDF 4 Climate Data in Open Source Python

In this chapter, you will learn how to work with Climate Data Sets (MACA v2 for the United states) stored in netcdf 4 format using open source Python.

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Summarize MACA v 2 climate data stored in netcdf 4 format by seasons across all time periods using xarray.
  • Summarize MACA v 2 climate data stored in netcdf 4 format by seasons and across years using xarray.

What You Need

You will need a computer with internet access to complete this lesson and the earth-analytics-python conda environment installed.

Subset MACA 2 Climate Data in NetCDF 4 Format By Time and Spatial Extents

In this lesson, you will learn how to subset MACA v2 climate data using the open source Python packages xarray and regionmask.

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import seaborn as sns
import geopandas as gpd
import earthpy as et
import xarray as xr
# Spatial subsetting of netcdf files
import regionmask

# Plotting options

# Optional - set your working directory if you wish to use the data
# accessed lower down in this notebook (the USA state boundary data)
os.chdir(os.path.join(et.io.HOME, 'earth-analytics', 'data'))

Spatial Subsets of Data Using an AOI

In the previous lesson, you learned how to select a single point and extract temperature data at that location. You can also create areas of interest (AOIs) that define the geographic region that you wish to extract data for.

Below you will learn how to use a shapefile that contains a boundary area of interest that you wish to subset data for. You will then learn how to subset the data using the

  1. geographic boundary extent of the AOI (a rectangular extent) and
  2. using the actual shape boundary of the AOI (example: the state of California)

To begin, you will open up a new netcdf file. This file contains future projected maximum temperature data for the Continental United States(CONUS).

# Get netcdf file
data_path_monthly = 'http://thredds.northwestknowledge.net:8080/thredds/dodsC/agg_macav2metdata_tasmax_BNU-ESM_r1i1p1_rcp45_2006_2099_CONUS_monthly.nc'

# Open up the data
with xr.open_dataset(data_path_monthly) as file_nc:
    monthly_forecast_temp_xr = file_nc

# View xarray object
Dimensions:          (lat: 585, crs: 1, lon: 1386, time: 1128)
  * lat              (lat) float64 25.06 25.1 25.15 25.19 ... 49.31 49.35 49.4
  * crs              (crs) int32 1
  * lon              (lon) float64 235.2 235.3 235.3 235.4 ... 292.9 292.9 292.9
  * time             (time) object 2006-01-15 00:00:00 ... 2099-12-15 00:00:00
Data variables:
    air_temperature  (time, lat, lon) float32 ...
Attributes: (12/46)
    description:                     Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog...
    id:                              MACAv2-METDATA
    naming_authority:                edu.uidaho.reacch
    Metadata_Conventions:            Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
    cdm_data_type:                   FLOAT
    ...                              ...
    contributor_role:                Postdoctoral Fellow
    publisher_name:                  REACCH
    publisher_email:                 reacch@uidaho.edu
    publisher_url:                   http://www.reacchpna.org/
    license:                         Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Dedic...
    coordinate_system:               WGS84,EPSG:4326

Open A Shapefile to Use as an AOI

Often you want to subset and summarize climate data by specific regions of interest. In the example below, you will open a natural earth layer that contains state and region boundaries. You will extract a state boundary (California) within the United States to use as an AOI.

# Download natural earth data which contains state boundaries to generate AOI
url =  (
states_gdf = gpd.read_file(url)
0Admin-1 scale rank2AUS-26512651AU-WANoneAU6Western AustraliaNone...West-AustraliëAustralia ZachodniaAustrália OcidentalЗападная АвстралияWestern AustraliaBatı AvustralyaTây Úc西澳大利亚州1159315805MULTIPOLYGON (((113.13181 -25.95199, 113.14823...
1Admin-1 scale rank2AUS-26502650AU-NTNoneAU6Northern TerritoryNone...Noordelijk TerritoriumTerytorium PółnocneTerritório do NorteСеверная территорияNorthern TerritoryKuzey TopraklarıLãnh thổ Bắc Úc北領地1159315809MULTIPOLYGON (((129.00196 -25.99901, 129.00196...
2Admin-1 scale rank2AUS-26552655AU-SANoneAU3South AustraliaNone...Zuid-AustraliëAustralia PołudniowaAustrália MeridionalЮжная АвстралияSouth AustraliaGüney AvustralyaNam Úc南澳大利亚州1159313267MULTIPOLYGON (((129.00196 -31.69266, 129.00196...
3Admin-1 scale rank2AUS-26572657AU-QLDNoneAU5QueenslandNone...QueenslandQueenslandQueenslandКвинслендQueenslandQueenslandQueensland昆士蘭州1159315807MULTIPOLYGON (((138.00196 -25.99901, 138.00174...
4Admin-1 scale rank2AUS-26602660AU-TASNoneAU5TasmaniaNone...TasmaniëTasmaniaTasmâniaТасманияTasmanienTasmanyaTasmania塔斯馬尼亞州1159313261MULTIPOLYGON (((147.31246 -43.28038, 147.34238...

5 rows × 84 columns

# You will use the bounds to determine the slice values for this data
# Select any state in the CONUS that you wish here! California is the default
cali_aoi = states_gdf[states_gdf.name == "California"]
# Get the total spatial extent for California
array([-124.37165376,   32.53336527, -114.12501824,   42.00076797])

Next, convert the bounds of your AOI into the min and max longitude and latitude values. You will use these values to slice your data.

# Get lat min, max
aoi_lat = [float(cali_aoi.total_bounds[1]), float(cali_aoi.total_bounds[3])]
aoi_lon = [float(cali_aoi.total_bounds[0]), float(cali_aoi.total_bounds[2])]
# Notice that the longitude values have negative numbers
# we need these values in a global crs so we can subtract from 360
aoi_lat, aoi_lon
([32.533365269889316, 42.00076797479207],
 [-124.3716537616361, -114.12501823892204])

The netcdf files use a global lat/lon rather than positive and negative longitude values. To ensure you are subsetting the data for the correct region, you can add 360 degrees to each longitude value which represent the min x and max x values for the extent.

# The netcdf files use a global lat/lon so adjust values accordingly
aoi_lon[0] = aoi_lon[0] + 360
aoi_lon[1] = aoi_lon[1] + 360
[235.62834623836392, 245.87498176107795]

Once you have your data AOI defined, you can slice out the AOI region using xarray slice.

# Slice the data by time and spatial extent
start_date = "2010-01-15"
end_date = "2010-02-15"

two_months_cali = monthly_forecast_temp_xr["air_temperature"].sel(
    time=slice(start_date, end_date),
    lon=slice(aoi_lon[0], aoi_lon[1]),
    lat=slice(aoi_lat[0], aoi_lat[1]))
<xarray.DataArray 'air_temperature' (time: 2, lat: 227, lon: 246)>
[111684 values with dtype=float32]
  * lat      (lat) float64 32.56 32.6 32.65 32.69 ... 41.85 41.9 41.94 41.98
  * lon      (lon) float64 235.6 235.7 235.7 235.8 ... 245.7 245.8 245.8 245.9
  * time     (time) object 2010-01-15 00:00:00 2010-02-15 00:00:00
    long_name:      Monthly Average of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Tempera...
    units:          K
    grid_mapping:   crs
    standard_name:  air_temperature
    height:         2 m
    cell_methods:   time: maximum(interval: 24 hours);mean over days
    _ChunkSizes:    [ 10  44 107]
# Plot a quick histogram
Histogram showing the spread of temperature values over time for the selected MACA 2 max temperature dataset and for the AOI (the spatial extend of california).
Histogram showing the spread of temperature values over time for the selected MACA 2 max temperature dataset and for the AOI (the spatial extend of california).

Remember that these data are spatial. Below you plot each time step as a raster dataset. Notice that this spatial extent is a rectangle representing the entire rectangular extent for the state of California.

# Spatial Plot for the selected AOI (California)

Spatial plots of monthly maximum temperature for two time steps. Notice that the AOI or spatial extent is a square boundary as you subsetted it above.
Spatial plots of monthly maximum temperature for two time steps. Notice that the AOI or spatial extent is a square boundary as you subsetted it above.
# Only subset by location / not time
cali_ts = monthly_forecast_temp_xr["air_temperature"].sel(
    lon=slice(aoi_lon[0], aoi_lon[1]),
    lat=slice(aoi_lat[0], aoi_lat[1]))
<xarray.DataArray 'air_temperature' (time: 1128, lat: 227, lon: 246)>
[62989776 values with dtype=float32]
  * lat      (lat) float64 32.56 32.6 32.65 32.69 ... 41.85 41.9 41.94 41.98
  * lon      (lon) float64 235.6 235.7 235.7 235.8 ... 245.7 245.8 245.8 245.9
  * time     (time) object 2006-01-15 00:00:00 ... 2099-12-15 00:00:00
    long_name:      Monthly Average of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Tempera...
    units:          K
    grid_mapping:   crs
    standard_name:  air_temperature
    height:         2 m
    cell_methods:   time: maximum(interval: 24 hours);mean over days
    _ChunkSizes:    [ 10  44 107]

Calculate a summary of max temperature over time for california

# Time series plot of max temperature per year. for California
# You will get a RuntimeWarning warning here because of nan values...
# This is the max value in each pixel across all months for each year
cali_annual_max = cali_ts.groupby('time.year').max(skipna=True)
<xarray.DataArray 'air_temperature' (year: 94, lat: 227, lon: 246)>
array([[[      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 314.2675 , 314.05508,
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 314.08972, 313.86816,
         313.9082 ],
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 314.02127, 313.8809 ,
         313.9658 ],
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 304.58743, 304.74078,
         304.8877 ],
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 303.80627, 303.83685,
         304.6529 ],
        [      nan, 293.99442, 294.31528, ..., 302.92322, 302.578  ,

       [[      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 314.5754 , 314.44275,
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 314.50024, 314.32486,
         314.3367 ],
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 314.4508 , 314.33475,
         314.3861 ],
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 306.28198, 306.4167 ,
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 305.46466, 305.49435,
         306.3104 ],
        [      nan, 296.4974 , 296.71976, ..., 304.55817, 304.22375,
         305.2304 ]],

       [[      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 316.17175, 315.9877 ,
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 316.05585, 315.89587,
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 316.0458 , 315.94336,
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 309.6978 , 310.04214,
         310.2721 ],
        [      nan,       nan,       nan, ..., 308.9082 , 308.9424 ,
         309.8799 ],
        [      nan, 296.43567, 296.677  , ..., 307.94104, 307.59906,
         308.6584 ]]], dtype=float32)
  * lat      (lat) float64 32.56 32.6 32.65 32.69 ... 41.85 41.9 41.94 41.98
  * lon      (lon) float64 235.6 235.7 235.7 235.8 ... 245.7 245.8 245.8 245.9
  * year     (year) int64 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ... 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099

Calculate Annual Summary Data

You can calculate summary values for your aoi using the .groupby method. Below you calculate the max value for each raster in the time series

.max(["lat", "lon"] tells xarray to calculate the max on the entire raster.

the data are grouped by year.

cali_annual_max_val = cali_annual_max.groupby("year").max(["lat", "lon"])
<xarray.DataArray 'air_temperature' (year: 94)>
array([320.67538, 322.2723 , 320.86505, 321.88   , 321.55954, 320.30484,
       322.17026, 322.1134 , 322.16568, 321.32007, 321.67624, 322.07996,
       321.5724 , 320.7888 , 321.4106 , 320.6512 , 322.2032 , 322.18158,
       322.05664, 322.96497, 322.20325, 321.28458, 321.51407, 324.0671 ,
       323.02896, 322.10184, 322.73853, 322.56485, 321.98178, 322.4918 ,
       322.19852, 322.44962, 321.97635, 322.33276, 322.55652, 322.4373 ,
       322.4933 , 323.7776 , 323.3054 , 321.22037, 322.00476, 322.40897,
       323.43805, 323.57452, 322.63904, 321.85776, 324.09442, 323.27408,
       323.67053, 322.62167, 323.70203, 322.82205, 321.93048, 323.48462,
       323.89087, 323.4939 , 324.15057, 322.88406, 322.6229 , 324.0509 ,
       323.06467, 324.27808, 324.30505, 323.27487, 323.3609 , 324.03644,
       323.1147 , 324.6987 , 322.52747, 323.00424, 324.0726 , 322.78583,
       323.49216, 322.4643 , 321.52664, 323.14383, 323.44632, 323.4093 ,
       324.51718, 322.68958, 324.83566, 323.24158, 323.22598, 323.8113 ,
       323.70255, 321.93524, 325.1739 , 322.6527 , 323.33313, 323.01407,
       323.40854, 323.8004 , 321.59985, 324.6846 ], dtype=float32)
  * year     (year) int64 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ... 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099
# Plot the data
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.set(title="Annual Max Temperature (K) in California")
Scatter plot showing the annual max temperature as projected in the California from 2009 to 2100 using MACA v2 climate data.
Scatter plot showing the annual max temperature as projected in the California from 2009 to 2100 using MACA v2 climate data.

Subset a netcdf4 Using a Shapefile Feature or Features

Above you created a rectangular spatial subset and plotted the data. Sometimes however you may have an AOI that is a specific polygon boundary. Below you will modify your subset to represent just the region of the state of California. You will use the regionmask package to create this mask.

# This is the AOI of interest. You only want to calculate summary values for
# pixels within this AOI rather the entire rectangular spatial extent.
f, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set(title="California AOI Subset")

Plot showing the area of interest - California.
Plot showing the area of interest - California.

You will use the cali_aoi object created above to first create a mask.

53Admin-1 scale rank2USA-35213521US-CAhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CaliforniaUS8CaliforniaCA|Calif....CaliforniëKaliforniaCalifórniaКалифорнияKalifornienKaliforniyaCalifornia加利福尼亚州1159308415MULTIPOLYGON (((-114.61054 34.99112, -114.6109...

1 rows × 84 columns

Name:     name

53 US-CA California

[1 regions]
Plot showing the mask region for the AOI - California, USA.
Plot showing the mask region for the AOI - California, USA.
<xarray.DataArray 'region' (lat: 585, lon: 1386)>
array([[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]])
  * lat      (lat) float64 25.06 25.1 25.15 25.19 ... 49.27 49.31 49.35 49.4
  * lon      (lon) float64 235.2 235.3 235.3 235.4 ... 292.8 292.9 292.9 292.9
(<xarray.DataArray 'region' ()>
 <xarray.DataArray 'region' ()>
<xarray.DataArray 'air_temperature' (time: 2, lat: 227, lon: 246)>
array([[[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]],

       [[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
        [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]]], dtype=float32)
  * lat      (lat) float64 32.56 32.6 32.65 32.69 ... 41.85 41.9 41.94 41.98
  * lon      (lon) float64 235.6 235.7 235.7 235.8 ... 245.7 245.8 245.8 245.9
  * time     (time) object 2010-01-15 00:00:00 2010-02-15 00:00:00
    long_name:      Monthly Average of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Tempera...
    units:          K
    grid_mapping:   crs
    standard_name:  air_temperature
    height:         2 m
    cell_methods:   time: maximum(interval: 24 hours);mean over days
    _ChunkSizes:    [ 10  44 107]
Map showing mean temperature for California in Januray and Feb 2010.
Map showing mean temperature for California in Januray and Feb 2010.
<xarray.DataArray 'air_temperature' (time: 2)>
array([286.05795, 286.02655], dtype=float32)
  * time     (time) object 2010-01-15 00:00:00 2010-02-15 00:00:00
# Create a 3d mask - this contains the true / false values identifying pixels
# inside vs outside of the mask region
cali_mask = regionmask.mask_3D_geopandas(cali_aoi,
<xarray.DataArray 'region' (region: 1, lat: 585, lon: 1386)>
array([[[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]]])
  * lat      (lat) float64 25.06 25.1 25.15 25.19 ... 49.27 49.31 49.35 49.4
  * lon      (lon) float64 235.2 235.3 235.3 235.4 ... 292.8 292.9 292.9 292.9
  * region   (region) int64 53

To make processing a bit quicker, below you slice out two months of the data.

# Slice out two months of data
two_months = monthly_forecast_temp_xr.sel(
    time=slice('2099-10-25', '2099-12-15'))

Next, apply the mask for just the state of California to the data.

# Apply the mask for California to the data
two_months = two_months.where(cali_mask)
Dimensions:          (time: 2, lat: 585, lon: 1386, region: 1, crs: 1)
  * lat              (lat) float64 25.06 25.1 25.15 25.19 ... 49.31 49.35 49.4
  * crs              (crs) int32 1
  * lon              (lon) float64 235.2 235.3 235.3 235.4 ... 292.9 292.9 292.9
  * time             (time) object 2099-11-15 00:00:00 2099-12-15 00:00:00
  * region           (region) int64 53
Data variables:
    air_temperature  (time, lat, lon, region) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
Attributes: (12/46)
    description:                     Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog...
    id:                              MACAv2-METDATA
    naming_authority:                edu.uidaho.reacch
    Metadata_Conventions:            Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
    cdm_data_type:                   FLOAT
    ...                              ...
    contributor_role:                Postdoctoral Fellow
    publisher_name:                  REACCH
    publisher_email:                 reacch@uidaho.edu
    publisher_url:                   http://www.reacchpna.org/
    license:                         Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Dedic...
    coordinate_system:               WGS84,EPSG:4326

Below you can see that the data for only the region of interest - California, is plotted. However, you have a lot of extra white space surrounding the data.

                                   figsize=(10, 10))
Map showing temperature values where California is masked however the data are not subsetted so you have significant additional white space / no data values in the data.
Map showing temperature values where California is masked however the data are not subsetted so you have significant additional white space / no data values in the data.

If you slice our your data by time and lat lon and apply the mask for your AOI you get the d

two_months_masked = monthly_forecast_temp_xr["air_temperature"].sel(time=slice('2099-10-25',
('time', 'lat', 'lon', 'region')
two_months_masked.plot(col='time', col_wrap=1)
Map showing temperature for California after the data have been masked and sliced by AOI.
Map showing temperature for California after the data have been masked and sliced by AOI.

Workflow with Multiple Regions

In the example above, you had one region of interest. Below you will implement a workflow where you have multiple regions. For this example, you will subset multiple states from your shapefile.

# Start by extracting a few states from the states_gdf

cali_or_wash_nev = states_gdf[states_gdf.name.isin(
    ["California", "Oregon", "Washington", "Nevada"])]
Map showing a new study area containing multiple AOI's which in this case are 4 states in the western United States.
Map showing a new study area containing multiple AOI's which in this case are 4 states in the western United States.

Next, create a mask just like you did above. However this time you will use the new extent that contains 4 states (4 regions).

west_mask = regionmask.mask_3D_geopandas(cali_or_wash_nev,
<xarray.DataArray 'region' (region: 4, lat: 585, lon: 1386)>
array([[[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]],

       [[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]],

       [[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]],

       [[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]]])
  * lat      (lat) float64 25.06 25.1 25.15 25.19 ... 49.27 49.31 49.35 49.4
  * lon      (lon) float64 235.2 235.3 235.3 235.4 ... 292.8 292.9 292.9 292.9
  * region   (region) int64 53 82 86 96

Below is a small helper function that grabs the AOI from a shapefile and returns a dictionary that you can use to slice your data.

def get_aoi(shp, world=True):
    """Takes a geopandas object and converts it to a lat/ lon

    shp : GeoPandas GeoDataFrame
        A geodataframe containing the spatial boundary of interest
    world : boolean
        True if you want lat / long to represent sinusoidal (0-360 degrees)

    Dictionary of lat and lon spatial bounds

    lon_lat = {}
    # Get lat min, max
    aoi_lat = [float(shp.total_bounds[1]), float(shp.total_bounds[3])]
    aoi_lon = [float(shp.total_bounds[0]), float(shp.total_bounds[2])]

    if world:
        aoi_lon[0] = aoi_lon[0] + 360
        aoi_lon[1] = aoi_lon[1] + 360
    lon_lat["lon"] = aoi_lon
    lon_lat["lat"] = aoi_lat
    return lon_lat

west_bounds = get_aoi(cali_or_wash_nev)

Similar to your workflow above, you can subset that data as you wish by time and extent. Subsetting the data will make all of your data processing faster!

# Slice the data
start_date = "2010-01-15"
end_date = "2010-02-15"

# Subset
two_months_west_coast = monthly_forecast_temp_xr["air_temperature"].sel(
    time=slice(start_date, end_date),
    lon=slice(west_bounds["lon"][0], west_bounds["lon"][1]),
    lat=slice(west_bounds["lat"][0], west_bounds["lat"][1]))
<xarray.DataArray 'air_temperature' (time: 2, lat: 395, lon: 256)>
[202240 values with dtype=float32]
  * lat      (lat) float64 32.56 32.6 32.65 32.69 ... 48.85 48.9 48.94 48.98
  * lon      (lon) float64 235.3 235.4 235.4 235.4 ... 245.8 245.9 245.9 245.9
  * time     (time) object 2010-01-15 00:00:00 2010-02-15 00:00:00
    long_name:      Monthly Average of Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Tempera...
    units:          K
    grid_mapping:   crs
    standard_name:  air_temperature
    height:         2 m
    cell_methods:   time: maximum(interval: 24 hours);mean over days
    _ChunkSizes:    [ 10  44 107]

Plot the data.

                           figsize=(5, 8))
Map showing temperature data for the entire sliced region of western united states.
Map showing temperature data for the entire sliced region of western united states.

Again following the same steps as above, you can apply your spatial mask. This will return a new array with the air temperature data that can be grouped by each of the 4 regions.

# Apply the mask for the west coast subset
two_months_west_coast = two_months_west_coast.where(west_mask)
('time', 'lat', 'lon', 'region')

By default region mask takes the index of the geopandas object and uses it as a region identifier. If you remember from above, california was 53.

53Admin-1 scale rank2USA-35213521US-CAhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CaliforniaUS8CaliforniaCA|Calif....CaliforniëKaliforniaCalifórniaКалифорнияKalifornienKaliforniyaCalifornia加利福尼亚州1159308415MULTIPOLYGON (((-114.61054 34.99112, -114.6109...
82Admin-1 scale rank2USA-35233523US-NVhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NevadaUS1NevadaNV|Nev....NevadaNevadaNevadaНевадаNevadaNevadaNevada内华达州1159315345POLYGON ((-114.04027 37.00415, -114.04117 36.6...
86Admin-1 scale rank2USA-35253525US-ORhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OregonUS6OregonOR|Ore....OregonOregonOregonОрегонOregonOregonOregon俄勒冈州1159309549POLYGON ((-120.00081 42.00056, -120.26446 42.0...
96Admin-1 scale rank2USA-35193519US-WAhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_(state)US6WashingtonWA|Wash....WashingtonWaszyngtonWashingtonВашингтонWashingtonVaşingtonWashington华盛顿州1159309547MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.78878 48.99303, -122.6863...

4 rows × 84 columns

# Note that the region values align with the index of the geodataframe above
<xarray.DataArray 'region' (region: 4)>
array([53, 82, 86, 96])
  * region   (region) int64 53 82 86 96

Having an additional region dimension in your array makes it easier to summarize your data by region. Below you plot the data by time and region in a matrix.

                           sharey=False, sharex=False)
Faceted plot showing temperature for each aoi region (on the y axis) and accross time (on the y axis).
Faceted plot showing temperature for each aoi region (on the y axis) and accross time (on the y axis).

Calculate Mean Air Temperature by Region

Once you have your data subsetted by region, you can calculate summary statistics on the data for each region.

Below, you calculate the mean air temperature value for the time subset that you created above. At this point you could export the dataframe to a csv file if you want!

summary = two_months_west_coast.groupby("time").mean(["lat", "lon"])
2010-01-15 00:00:0053286.057922
2010-02-15 00:00:0053286.026550

The Entire Workflow To Subset netcdf 4 Files by Temporal and Spatial Extents

Putting all of the above together, below is an example workflow that you might use to summarize climate data in netcdf 4 format by region and over time.

# Helper Function to extract AOI
def get_aoi(shp, world=True):
    """Takes a geopandas object and converts it to a lat/ lon
    extent """

    lon_lat = {}
    # Get lat min, max
    aoi_lat = [float(shp.total_bounds[1]), float(shp.total_bounds[3])]
    aoi_lon = [float(shp.total_bounds[0]), float(shp.total_bounds[2])]

    # Handle the 0-360 lon values
    if world:
        aoi_lon[0] = aoi_lon[0] + 360
        aoi_lon[1] = aoi_lon[1] + 360
    lon_lat["lon"] = aoi_lon
    lon_lat["lat"] = aoi_lat
    return lon_lat
# Here is the entire workflow from start to end

url =  (
states_gdf = gpd.read_file(url)

# Get netcdf file
data_path_monthly = 'http://thredds.northwestknowledge.net:8080/thredds/dodsC/agg_macav2metdata_tasmax_BNU-ESM_r1i1p1_rcp45_2006_2099_CONUS_monthly.nc'

# Open up the data
with xr.open_dataset(data_path_monthly) as file_nc:
    monthly_forecast_temp_xr = file_nc

# View xarray object

# Start by extracting a few states from the states_gdf
# I am using this as a shapefile because i presume some of my students
# will want to use custom aoi's so i want to teach using a shapefil rather than
# the regionmask built in shapes as nice as they are :)

cali_or_wash_nev = states_gdf[states_gdf.name.isin(
    ["California", "Oregon", "Washington", "Nevada"])]

west_mask = regionmask.mask_3D_geopandas(cali_or_wash_nev,

west_bounds = get_aoi(cali_or_wash_nev)

# Slice the data
start_date = "2010-01-15"
end_date = "2020-02-15"

# Subset the data - this is now a dataarray rather than a DataSet
two_months_west_coast = monthly_forecast_temp_xr["air_temperature"].sel(
    time=slice(start_date, end_date),
    lon=slice(west_bounds["lon"][0], west_bounds["lon"][1]),
    lat=slice(west_bounds["lat"][0], west_bounds["lat"][1])).where(west_mask)

# This output is a dataarray

# Plot the data - this produces a single histogram
Histogram showing all pixels values in the area of interest.
Histogram showing all pixels values in the area of interest.

Once the data are subsetted, you can begin to create plots and dataframes with the summary data.

# Keep in mind that as you add more data to your slice, the processing will slow down.
regional_summary = two_months_west_coast.groupby("region").mean(["lat", "lon"])
Facetted scatter plot showing mean temperature data by region over time
Facetted scatter plot showing mean temperature data by region over time

Export to a dataframe.

two_months_west_coast.groupby("region").mean(["lat", "lon"]).to_dataframe()
2010-01-15 00:00:0053286.057922
2010-02-15 00:00:0053286.026550
2020-01-15 00:00:0096275.706940
2020-02-15 00:00:0053285.709076

488 rows × 1 columns

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